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Who are we?

Cocoon Tree Team

Our Story, by our founder designer, Bernie and our architect Manuel

One day, while walking on an island in Brittany, I saw in a tree a sphere made of wood covered by the sail of a boat. Passionate about the great outdoors and traveling with my van, I said to myself: this is a great way to camp with birds as neighbors.


The next day, I called my architect friend Manuel and told him: 

- we have to lay a huge egg that will allow us to sleep in the trees. 

- You need something   light and strong at the same time, so an aluminum structure, it should be aluminum, he answers me. 

- Well, we should also be sheltered from the rain. 

- Ah! So you need a waterproof tent canvas to cover the structure, he tells me. 

- Yes, but a canvas that is strong to withstand strong winds.

- So you need a super strong and spherical tarpaulin to offer the least resistance to the wind, he concludes.

And this is how the new Cocoon Tree was born.

Made in Europe

To make the Cocoon Tree we have selected the best components manufacturers in Europe : the aluminium tubes are made in Germany, all the stainless steel connectors comes from France, the strong membrane is made in Portugal. Our manufacture is in the north of Porto very close to our headquarters. All our procedures follow the EEC regulations.


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